The Graphic History of an American Founding Father



   Order Code: RH893    ISBN : 9780399580000
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This colorfully illustrated, nonfiction graphic novel provides a front-row seat to the life and legacy of Alexander Hamilton, more widely recognized today than ever as one of the most influential figures in U.S. history.

The tale of his life, from boyhood to his famous duel with political rival Aaron Burr, is captured and integrated with a broad view of the events, people, and places present for the birth of the United States. Pulsing with vibrant artwork and reflecting careful historical research, this engaging biography depicts Hamilton’s various roles as a fighter in the Revolutionary War, a framer of the Constitution, and shaper of the U.S. Treasury and banking system. It further showcases the ways in which his policies and ideas have had an impact that extend well beyond his life.

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Ten Speed Press




7 and up



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