DVD (widescreen)


   Order Code: WV254DV    ISBN : 9780780661332
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Autism makes people different—but does it make them "less"? In this 2010 Emmy-winning biopic, Claire Danes portrays animal scientist Grandin as a full-fledged—albeit turbulent—personality, not a checklist of symptoms, as Grandin navigates high school, college, and the beginning of her outstanding career in animal husbandry. Entertainment Weekly says the movie "makes the title character’s autism—and the unique insight it gave her—…relatable to anyone with a heart, and fascinating to anyone with a brain." In audio commentary, Grandin comments on the film and her life. Note: one instance of profanity. Grades 6 and up. Closed captioned. Color. 109 minutes. HBO.

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Grades 7-12