Support Media for
Project Based Economics
All video files are in MP4 format. All audio files are in MP3 format.
Running in Place | The Invisible Hand | The Greater Good | High School Food Court
INT261—Running in Place
- Video Interviews of Consumers of Shoes:
- Video Interviews of Those Associated with the Production of Shoes:
INT262—The Invisible Hand
- Voicemail of Les Singer
- Voicemail Messages
- Les Singer, Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy
- Jimmy Hoffman, President, Meadowlands Trucking
- Joe Gannon, Police Sergeant, LAPD
- Eve Tamar, parent
- Maddy Washington, teen
- Arnold Ziffel, farmer
- Christina Lopez, Director, local community-based organization
- Fiori Packart, Chief Executive Officer, Hew Production
- Henry Edsel, hybrid car producer
- Helen Moses, senior citizen
- Ted Tilton, Chief Operating Officer, Amalgamated Airlines
- Victor Tran, Director, Manhattan Transit Authority
- Imelda Guzman, long-distance commuter
- Jamal Hayward, 23-year-old worker
- Final Voicemail from Les Singer
INT264—The Greater Good
- First Video of Carlos Medine
- Second Video of Carlos Medine
- Video Infomercial by Ellis McClure
- Third Video of Carlos Medine
INT266—High School Food Court
- Voicemail Messages:
How to Link Assignments to Active Classroom
- Schoology Instructions (video)
- Google Classroom (video)
- Google Classroom (PDF)