In today’s rapidly evolving world, educating young minds about the importance of voting and their general responsibilities as citizens is more crucial than ever.
I want to imagine that you are an elementary school teacher, and you just found a magic lamp with a genie.
Teaching complex social studies topics like U.
Social studies classrooms are the perfect place to incorporate hands-on and game-based learning to emphasize key place-based learning themes.
Classroom organization is an important element in providing rich learning experiences for students.
On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr.
Have you ever found yourself looking out the car window as you drive to visit family, take the kids to the beach, or even just to go grocery shopping? Have you wondered about how geographically different it might have been in the past? Maybe you wondered how history shaped the present or how the geography […]
“I don’t know what else to do…” Those are words that I, and many educators like me, have said when looking at how to support our students.
Civics education helps students understand the structure and functions of government, the rights and responsibilities of citizens, and the processes by which laws are made and enforced.
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