The last months of the school year can be hectic and chaotic for teachers and students alike, filled with things like state testing, field day, and final assignments.
In early education, the development of foundational literacy skills is a major educational priority and focus.
April is National Financial Literacy Month, which can easily be translated to classroom activities at every educational level! This crucial skill can empower individuals to make informed decisions about money management throughout their lives.
Simulation-based learning involves using simulated or immersive environments to facilitate learning and skill development.
As a former student who attended multiculturally diverse schools, celebrating the holidays and celebrations of my peers from different cultures made school all the more memorable.
Students are drawn to monsters, so teachers use their interest in the weird and scary to their advantage and teach social studies themes through these figures.
Did you miss this webinar? Now you can read all about it.
You are never too young to hold onto a piece of history and discover its connection to your life.
Many of us think back to grade school and remember story time fondly.
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