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Display and analysis of one typical day's food from around the world

Though entirely draped in black cloths, Yemeni homemaker Saada Haidar is not entirely impenetrable—her day’s spread of homemade, fresh, and traditional food provides a rare and revealing look into her private life. "You are what you eat" is the overwhelming takeaway from Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio’s food portraits, which capture the intimate relationships between food choice and a slew of seemingly unrelated factors such as religious and moral values; economic, social, and political situation; knowledge and concern of health and the environment; body image issues; career pressures; physical activity levels; nationality; and the effects of an increasingly modern and globalized diet of fast, processed, and genetically modified food. The set of 12 17" x 21" posters comes from the oversized coffee table book What I Eat: Around the World in 80 Diets—the couple’s ; a meticulous listing of every item eaten and its weight; a calorieglobal exploration of food—which clarifies and contextualizes 80 diverse diets through essays from experts such as Michael Pollan and Marion Nestle count; and a written profile taken from numerous interviews with the subjects. The curriculum guide includes critical thinking questions, writing prompts, activities, and reading strategies that lead students through the process of visual analysis. Aligns with Common Core State Standards. Grades 6 and up. Social Studies School Service. Second Edition. ©2020.

Sample images of the posters

Sample pages from the curriculum guideZ110 ZP611 Z103

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Social Studies School Service


Second Edition


Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12

Sample images of the posters

Sample pages from the curriculum guide