
   Order Code: GP628    ISBN : 9780737747430
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Debate the issues from multiple points of view

Present multiple sides of important issues through anthologies that collect articles representing divergent points of view. In the volume on teen suicide, for example, 13 articles examine—and raise questions about—the extent of the problem; factors like cyberbullying or a desire for attention; special risks for young, unmarried soldiers and gay and Native American teenagers; and the roles of antidepressants, crisis hotlines, high school prevention programs, and open communication in high school classrooms. The articles are enhanced with colorful graphs and other illustrations. Grades 7–10. Indexes. Bibliographies. Contact organizations. Appendixes. Greenhaven. 112–144 pages each. ©2008–11.

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This title is part of the series: ISSUES THAT CONCERN YOU


Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12